Quick facts


30-40 years


They mainly feed on seeds, shrubs, grass, fruit and flowers


Savana, a low-growth area and a mountainous region.


Ostriches occupied Africa north and south of the Sahara, East Africa, Africa south of the rainforest belt, and much of Asia Minor.

The Ostrich is the world's largest bird. Although it cannot fly, it can run at high-speeds. In fact, it is the fastest creature on two legs. Powerful legs, flexible knees and supple, two-toed feet are its adaptations for sprints of up 70km/hour and long distance running. Ostriches live in small fewer than a dozen birds, led by a dominant male. The male ostrich has soft, curling plumes. Female birds are slightly smaller in size and have brownish plumage and off-white wings and tails. Juveniles are greyish-brown.