Quick facts


60-75 years


Grasses, roots, leaves and fruits.


Jungle, Tropical Rainforest.


Distributed throughout the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, from India in the west, Nepal in the north, Sumatra in the south, and to Borneo in the east.

The Asian Elephant is a huge land animal that is found all the way from Sri Lanka, India through Indochina to Malaysia and Sumatra. Nowadays, most Asian elephants are used extensively for labour and very few are left in the wild. This mammal has very strong social bonds and lives in family groups headed by an elephant cow called a matriach. Bull elephants will occasionally join the group. Elephants are excellent swimmers. Elephants have few natural enemies except for man. They are in extreme danger of extinction due to loss of habitat and poaching as they are killed for their valuable ivory tusks.