Quick facts


50-60 years


Flamingos have shallow-keeled bills, which allow them to eat shrimp, bloodworms and plankton.


The greater flamingo resides in mudflats and shallow coastal lagoons with salt water.


It is found in parts of Africa, southern Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka), the Middle East (Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Bahrain) and southern Europe.

Greater Flamingos are the largest members of the flamingo family and the most widely distributed. Flamingos that live far from the tropics often migrate to warmer regions for the winter. The Flamingo's striking pink plumage comes from the keratin protein in their diet which include crustacean shrimp, bloodworms, plankton and algae. Its feather will revert to white if there is a shortage of these foods. If you ever see a flamingo with its head submerged in the water, this is just its feeding method. Its uniquely shaped bill is specially for scooping and filtering its food underwater.